We were commissioned to convert this 6 bedrooms Victorian House into self-contained flats. The owner wanted to get the maximum number of flats possible, the next neighbour already received a refusal to add another flat to an already converted property into four flats but we were determined to get the 5 flats we wanted. To get to the maximum GIA possible, we first had to apply for planning permission for a two-storey extension to the side and rear of the property, and we converted the loft space under permitted development rights. In every project of conversion we try to build the maximum extensions we can to avoid CIL ( Community Infrastructure Levy ), it’s an onerous tax applied by the Councils. Once all the extensions were built, we could work out the number of flats and the layout. We liaised with the planning officers for a long period but the waiting was worthy, we received planning permission to develop five flats, opening an opportunity to the next neighbour to apply for the same number of flats.
The flats were built to a high standard.